Sunday, 29 March 2009

The Real McKenzies @ Gus' Pub

Performers: The Motorleague & The Real McKenzies
Venue: Gus' Pub, Halifax
Photographer: Sarah DeVenne

The Motorleague:
Halifax Nova Scotia Photography Sarah DeVenne Band Live Music Performers The Motorleague @ Gus Pub

Halifax Nova Scotia Photography Sarah DeVenne Band Live Music Performers The Motorleague @ Gus Pub

Halifax Nova Scotia Photography Sarah DeVenne Band Live Music Performers The Motorleague @ Gus Pub

The Real McKenzies:
Halifax Nova Scotia Photography Sarah DeVenne Band Live Music Performer The Real McKenzies @ Gus Pub

Halifax Nova Scotia Photography Sarah DeVenne Band Live Music Performer The Real McKenzies @ Gus Pub

Halifax Nova Scotia Photography Sarah DeVenne Band Live Music Performer The Real McKenzies @ Gus Pub

Halifax Nova Scotia Photography Sarah DeVenne Band Live Music Performer The Real McKenzies @ Gus Pub

Halifax Nova Scotia Photography Sarah DeVenne Band Live Music Performer The Real McKenzies @ Gus Pub

Sunday, 1 March 2009


Models: Chris Murphy (Worldmind), Karen Murdock, Amy, Michelle, Francis, Justin, Andreé de Villers, Myself, Suspiria, Owen, Marilyn, Brian Larter, Megan, Ry, Kristin Langille
Photographer: Sarah DeVenne

Halifax Nova Scotia Photography Sarah DeVenne Portrait Headshot Model Chris Murphy (Worldmind)

Halifax Nova Scotia Photography Sarah DeVenne Portrait Headshot Model Karen Murdock

Halifax Nova Scotia Photography Sarah DeVenne Portrait Headshot Model Amy

Halifax Nova Scotia Photography Sarah DeVenne Portrait Headshot Model Michelle Smoking

Halifax Nova Scotia Photography Sarah DeVenne Portrait Headshot Model Francis

Halifax Nova Scotia Photography Sarah DeVenne Portrait Headshot Model Justin Smoking

Halifax Nova Scotia Photography Sarah DeVenne Portrait Headshot Model Andree de Villers Andreedev deVillers

Halifax Nova Scotia Photography Sarah DeVenne Portrait Headshot Model

Halifax Nova Scotia Photography Sarah DeVenne Portrait Headshot Model Suspiria

Halifax Nova Scotia Photography Sarah DeVenne Portrait Headshot Model Owen

Halifax Nova Scotia Photography Sarah DeVenne Portrait Headshot Model Marilyn Smoking

Halifax Nova Scotia Photography Sarah DeVenne Portrait Headshot Model Brian Larter

Halifax Nova Scotia Photography Sarah DeVenne Portrait Headshot Model Megan

Halifax Nova Scotia Photography Sarah DeVenne Portrait Headshot Model Ry

Halifax Nova Scotia Photography Sarah DeVenne Portrait Headshot Model Kristin Langille